University extension and service-learning. Analysis of two experiences in South Africa and Costa Rica from the perspective of capabilities for human development


  • Carmen Monge-Hernández Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica Author
  • Pepa Zlateva-Peneva Investigadora independiente Author
  • Alejandra Boni-Aristizábal Universitat Politècnica de València Author


higher education, capabilities approach, university extension, service-learning


This article aims to analyze, through the capabilities approach, the coherence between the South African learning-service practices (ApS) and the Costa Rican university extension activities in regards to the core values of human development. This qualitative study carried out in two universities (University of the Free State, South Africa and Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica) proves there is an expansion of participants' capacities as shown by the improvement in well-being, participation and empowerment, equality and diversity, and sustainability. Additionally, the results move to reflect upon the common challenges both public universities face, in order to strengthen this type of pedagogical practices and ensure the availability of opportunities for participants.


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Author Biographies

  • Carmen Monge-Hernández, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica

    Docente y extensionista. Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (UNA). Ingenio (CSIC – UPV), Universitat Politècnica de València, estudiante programa doctoral en desarrollo local y cooperación internacional de la U. Politécnica de Valencia. Costa Rica. CE:

  • Pepa Zlateva-Peneva, Investigadora independiente

    Master en Cooperación al Desarrollo por la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Especializada en Gestión de Proyectos y Procesos de Desarrollo. Investigadora independiente. España. CE:

  • Alejandra Boni-Aristizábal, Universitat Politècnica de València

    Catedrática del Departamento de Proyectos de Ingeniería de la U. Politécnica de Valencia. Vice directora e investigadora Ingenio (CSIC – UPV), Universitat Politècnica de València. España. CE:


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How to Cite

University extension and service-learning. Analysis of two experiences in South Africa and Costa Rica from the perspective of capabilities for human development. (2024). REVISTA INTERAMERICANA DE EDUCACION DE ADULTOS , 41(1), 111-137.