Población y grandes tendencias demográficas en América Latina y el Caribe
Demographic change, demographic transition, mortality, life expectation, fertility, infant mortality, family planning, rural-urban migration, urbanization process, industrialization process, labor markets, living standardsAbstract
This article offers a long-term perspective of population change in Latin American and Caribbean countries. The determinants of mortality and fertility are analyzed against the background of the demographic transition pattern. In all the countries of the region, mortality decline is one of the most salient social facts. This decline is related to both the betterment of socioeconomic factors within the different countries, and to progress in the field of medicine, the improvement of environmental health and medical technology. All these factors have substantially modified the occurrence of death, and have contributed to the increase of life expectation at birth in all the countries under study. In most of these countries, fertility began to decline as of the 1970s, forty years after mortality levels began to decrease. Fertility decline can be partially explained as an outcome of lower infant mortality levels, higher schooling levels among mothers, increasing residence in urban areas, and family planning programs.
Rural-urban migration and the rapid urbanization process have to do with the fragmentation of land property, the coexistence of modern and traditional activities in the primary sector of the economy, the industrialization process and its location in large metropolises.
The study does not consider high population growth to be a major factor influencing economic growth and development levels in the region. However, high population growth is one of the various factors whose effects have hindered the insertion of the work force in the labor markets, and have diluted improvements in the living standards of large social groups in Latin American and Caribbean countries.
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