Educación fundamental. Educación comunitaria “La historia de la educación de adultos es la historia del CREFAL”


  • Jesús Balhen-Ardilla CREFAL Author


This article refers to the circumstantial transit from the Elementary Education to the Communitarian Education and from this to the Young and Adult education. In 1949 the UNESCO´s General Conference entrusted the General Director to cooperate with each one of the state members in the creation of regional centers which actions were focused in the formation of teachers and specialists as well as the creation of new didactic materials for Basic Education.

Although when the center started its academicals activities with programs of elementary education, the curricula at the first stage (1951-1960)was about Fundamental Education, the second stage from 1961 to 1968 dealed on Communitarian Development. Communitarian Education lets us, from a integral-integrative perspective, to offer different dimensions and manifestations that are not necessarily restricted in the educative field.


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Author Biography

  • Jesús Balhen-Ardilla, CREFAL

    Investigador CREFAL. Correo electrónico:






Artículos y ensayos

How to Cite

Educación fundamental. Educación comunitaria “La historia de la educación de adultos es la historia del CREFAL”. (2003). REVISTA INTERAMERICANA DE EDUCACION DE ADULTOS , 25(1), 93-108.