Network practices of the Educational Intervention. Experiences and job training field in a rural-urban area of the state of Morelos, Mexico


  • Leonel Hernández-Polo Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Author


social networks, educational interventions, socio-economic disadvantage, community, bachelor graduates


This paper shows the network practices of the Educational Intervention Bachelor graduates at one campus of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional in Morelos, Mexico. It describes how they constructed their networks before admission to the university, during their studies and after them, as well as the kinds of networks and their function in each moment of the trajectories. The Networks were tracked in the life stories of five graduates with different profiles and from rural-urban areas with socio-economic disadvantage. This research was a qualitative study supported in ethnographical methods. It was discovered that in this program, in that geographic area, networks are essentials for survive the uncertainties of this new profession, to overcome training dilemmas and to cope occupational market troubles. The analysis is focused on the reactions of the students and graduates about adversity conditions, in order to reflect on meaning that agents be alone. The conclusion is that without networks, this new kind of educational professionals called Interventores Educativos will hardly be successful.


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Author Biography

  • Leonel Hernández-Polo, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

    Docente de la Licenciatura en Pedagogía de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Unidad Ajusco y editor WEB institucional en la misma universidad. México. CE:


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How to Cite

Network practices of the Educational Intervention. Experiences and job training field in a rural-urban area of the state of Morelos, Mexico. (2024). REVISTA INTERAMERICANA DE EDUCACION DE ADULTOS , 38(2), 13-31.