Digital literacy for parents and tutors of vulnerable students


  • Juan Eusebio Silva-Quiroz Universidad de Santiago de Chile Author
  • Miguel Alfonso Gimeno-Vielma Universidad de Santiago de Chile Author


digitally literate, adult education, ICT, digital divide


Between 2009 and 2011, a total 2,153 families from the VI Region of Chile were benefited by the government’s initiative “I choose my PC”, which helped to overcome the first digital divide (access to ICT). To overcome the second digital divide (use of ICT), the government created a program that aims to design and implement plans and training programs that allowed parents and tutors to become digitally literate, and also be able to exploit the potential of ICT, both for professional development and to accompany their children in their educational work. The workshop was conducted in all districts of the region, training more than 800 parents and tutors. The results show that participants acquired skills in the use of ICT, enabling them to feel more integrated to the information society, reducing the digital divide and involving them in the education of their children.


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Author Biographies

  • Juan Eusebio Silva-Quiroz, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

    Director en Centro de Investigación e Innovación en Educación y TIC, de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile. CE:

  • Miguel Alfonso Gimeno-Vielma, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

    Profesional del Área Educación y TIC en el Centro de Investigación e Innovación en Educación y TIC, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. CE:


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How to Cite

Digital literacy for parents and tutors of vulnerable students. (2024). REVISTA INTERAMERICANA DE EDUCACION DE ADULTOS , 37(1), 9-18.