Between the public and the private spheres: the meaning of cultural practices among university students


  • José Fernando Alarcón-González Universidad Veracruzana Author


cultural consumption, family background, cultural capital, social mobility


This paper introduces a qualitative analysis of the cultural consumption practices of four students from two undergraduate programs of Universidad Veracruzana; the students may be considered to be in a process of social mobility. The framework for discussion of the key concepts used here is circumscribed by bourdieusian theory applied to the field of education and culture. The objective is to explore the meaning and worth each student gives to their cultural consumption practices, both, those corresponding to their social and family background, and those of their new environment within the university community. The main conclusion is that the students acknowledge that their cultural consumption practices are important for their belonging and permanence in the different social groups with which they interact and, consequently, they often cannot reconcile what they really prefer with what they must consume within their school’s social circle.


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Author Biography

  • José Fernando Alarcón-González, Universidad Veracruzana

    Académico de la Facultad de Idiomas de la Universidad Veracruzana en las áreas de cultura y literatura en lengua inglesa. Doctorante en Investigación Educativa del Instituto de Investigaciones en Educación de la Universidad Veracruzana. México. CE:


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How to Cite

Between the public and the private spheres: the meaning of cultural practices among university students. (2024). REVISTA INTERAMERICANA DE EDUCACION DE ADULTOS , 40(2), 99-118.

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