Experiencia metodológica de un programa piloto de evaluación. Comparación entre la evaluación tradicional y la evaluación participativa


  • Miguel Ángel Viveros-Hidalgo CREFAL Author


participatory evaluation, traditional evaluation, educational experiences, evaluation processes, construction of learning, increase in the responsabilities, actores’ empowerment


A discussion and reflection about participatory and traditional evaluation are set out in the present article. Both participatory and traditional evaluation defer each other so much in their methodological characteristics, as well as in the advantages they provide to the actors who participate in educational experiences, as it is shown in four workcourses.

The steps followed to carry out the processes of evaluation with both methodologies are described and compared within their results in a very genera way. 

The results of both methodologies are shown in a comparative chart that allows us lo see the contribution of evidences on processes such as the construction of learning, the increase in the responsibilities and the empowerment of the actors. In the end of this document, an invitation to reflect upon the use of participatory methodologies in institutions and organizations dedicated to Young and Adult Education.


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Author Biography

  • Miguel Ángel Viveros-Hidalgo, CREFAL

    Licenciado en psicología. Investigador en la Coordinación de Evaluación de Programas del CREFAL. Correo electrónico: mviveros@crefal.edu.mx


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How to Cite

Experiencia metodológica de un programa piloto de evaluación. Comparación entre la evaluación tradicional y la evaluación participativa. (2004). REVISTA INTERAMERICANA DE EDUCACION DE ADULTOS , 26(2,3). https://rieda.crefal.edu.mx/index.php/rieda/article/view/241