Hacia una pedagogía de adultos


  • Jaime Canfux-Gutiérrez Instituto Pedagógico Latinoamericano y Caribeño Author


The experience acquired in more than 40 years as adult educator allows me to reflect about young people and adult pedagogy. Although this pedagogy does not satisfy the requirements of this sector, it does not either lack of theory or practice because teachers, instructors and assessors have been able to adapt plans and programs according to the necessities to the segment of population they take care of.

The different educational currents about young and adult education are analyzed and a proposal of a continuous teacher training in accordance to the reality and to the incidence in the political development, economic and social of each country. It also shows a reflection on the arisen subjects in some the international conferences and meetings, such as: fundamental education, permanent education, functional education and education for all.

In this document stresses on that in each meeting, we tried to respond to economic and social situations of the moment and how the education of young people and adults in Cuba was developed at that time.

The areas of action in the education of adults have been developed in three routes: formal education, nonformal and informal, concepts which are defined in agreement to the working field.

The previous context takes to the idea to reflect on the necessity of young people and adults pedagogy, it is advisable reviewing the context and characteristics of the participants, that will allow us to identify how the curricula of young people and adults education should be designed, on what bases, what psycho-pedagogical characteristics should have and how an evaluation for the participants in the formation process can be conceived.

Finally, this document sets out general characteristics that allow to sustain a young people and adults pedagogy.


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Author Biography

  • Jaime Canfux-Gutiérrez, Instituto Pedagógico Latinoamericano y Caribeño

    Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Director de la Cátedra de Alfabetización y Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos del Instituto Pedagógico Latinoamericano y Caribeño. Correo-e: canfux@iplac.rimed.cu


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Pieck Gochicoa, Enrique, "Alfabetización y escolaridad de jóvenes y adultos: Consideraciones sobre políticas y estrategias en sectores desfavorecidos", en: Pedagogía 2001, Cuba, (s.f., s.e.).

Usher, R. y I. Bryant, La Educación de Adultos como teoría, práctica e investigaciones. El triángulo cautivo, Madrid, Morata, 1992.

UNESCO-UNICEF, La educación de adultos en América Latina ante el próximo siglo, Santiago de Chile, 1994, (s.e.).

UNESCO-Santiago, Estrategia regional de seguimiento. CONFINTEA. Documento final, Oficina Regional de Educación para América Latina y el Caribe, Santiago, Chile, 1999.






Artículos y ensayos

How to Cite

Hacia una pedagogía de adultos. (2004). REVISTA INTERAMERICANA DE EDUCACION DE ADULTOS , 26(2,3). https://rieda.crefal.edu.mx/index.php/rieda/article/view/244