Una didáctica centrada en valores para la sociedad del tercer milenio


  • Sergio Rolando Bravo-Bravo CREFAL Author


Crisis of values, ethics, education in values


Gandhi said: “We need to be the change that we want to see in the world”. If we reflect what this thought means: we can see that it means to inculcate new values to our youngsters and children and to the whole 21st century society. It shows us that teaching them has taken a deep practical meaning.

Nowadays our society is in crisis of values, and it is a responsibility of all of us as educator to assume as soon as possible a great a big world crusade to conceptualize our ethics and values in the third millennium.

It is clear, values can not be taught by the ethics as a discipline. Values have to be practiced, They are within us, we have to be conscious by auto critic, we predicate the purpose in order to transfer it into our environment.

This essay attempts to give to educators a didactic tool as a guide, so they could develop values that the environment needs in order to build a new social structure of the third millennium.


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Author Biography

  • Sergio Rolando Bravo-Bravo, CREFAL

    Investigador-CREFAL. Correo Electrónico: sbravo@crefal.edu.com


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DESCARTES, René (1988), Discurso del Método, Madrid, Tecnos,

HOYOS Guillermo, “Educación y ética para ciudadanos”, en: Pensar la Ciudad, Tercer Mundo. Editores Bogotá, 1996.

PLÁ, Rafael, “Notas polémicas para un tema de actualidad”, en: www.filosofía.cu/contemp/pla001.htm

QUINTANILLA, Miguel, Ensayos de la Filosofía Práctica, Madrid, Taurus, 1981.

TOFFLER, Alvin, El Shock del Futuro (1976), Barcelona, España, Plaza & Janes Editores.






Artículos y ensayos

How to Cite

Una didáctica centrada en valores para la sociedad del tercer milenio. (2003). REVISTA INTERAMERICANA DE EDUCACION DE ADULTOS , 25(1), 73-92. https://rieda.crefal.edu.mx/index.php/rieda/article/view/287