Relationship between institutional analysis and curriculum

Tools to think about the formation of young restorers


  • Teresa de Jesús Negrete-Arteaga Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Author
  • Alejandra Pacheco-Rojas Author


educational intervention, curriculum design, adult education, discourse analysis, groups


This article describes an Educational Intervention experience in the Manuel del Castillo Negrete National School of Conservation, Restoration and Museography (ENCRyM) of the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), in Mexico City, between April, 2010 and March, 2005. The individuals involved in this experience were faculty members, students, administrators, and staff. This document eloquently describes the processes of diagnosis, the theoretical framework, methodology, and techniques used by the educational advisers. It also recounts the work of the community to define the profile of the new conservators through a “curricular web” design that captures experiences, analyzes academic practices, and explores the culture of the institution. This curricular approach acts as a counterweight to curriculum design models based exclusively on highly specialized work and a technical and experimental approach, common in bureaucratic institutions.


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Author Biographies

  • Teresa de Jesús Negrete-Arteaga, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

    Docente e investigadora de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Responsable en México del Proyecto Internacional investigación e Intervención Educativa Comparada México-España-Argentina (MEXESPARG). México. CE:

  • Alejandra Pacheco-Rojas

    Investigadora del Proyecto Internacional Investigación e Intervención Educativa Comparada México-España-Argentina. México. CE:


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How to Cite

Relationship between institutional analysis and curriculum: Tools to think about the formation of young restorers. (2024). REVISTA INTERAMERICANA DE EDUCACION DE ADULTOS , 39(2), 129-142.